
We are very happy with the amount of positive reviews about our magazine. Thanks to all of you!

Rachel Smith

Rachel has a YouTube channel called Wool ‘n Spinning. She creates spinning content for handspinners of all levels. Participating in community, inspiration & motivation. For the love of making yarn.

From 7.46 in this episode, she reviews the first issue of Twisting Tales Magazine.

Tommi / DynamiteTrujillo

TTommi hosts Moonstone Makes on YouTube. It is all about knitting, spinning, crochet and sewing.

From about 26:06 in this episode she reviews the first issue of Twisting Tales Magazine.

Chanti Manou

Under the name chantimanou on YouTube, Chanti talks in German about: “Aktuelle Projekte aus der chantimanou handSpinnerey und Events und interessante Neuigkeiten aus der Welt der Wolle.”

From 41.52 she talks about the first issue of Twisting Tales Magazine.

Wereld van Sophie

Sophie has a podcast “Happy Yarnday” and talks in Dutch about crocket and knitting. “Deze podcast is een roadmap naar een duurzaam, vrolijk en gelukkig bestaan!”

In the podcast “World Wide Knit in Public Day”, she talks after a brief introduction about the second edition of Twisting Tales Magazine.